Video and Patient Monitoring

OPASCA Distributor Network Marketing Materials Product Sheets Safety Suite Video and Patient Monitoring

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    Video and Patient Monitoring

    The live images from the high-resolution, radiation-hardened and wide-angle camera units are displayed on the
    various layouts of the Cockpit Terminal at the operator station. Display settings can be easily changed with just
    a few touches of the finger, eliminating the need for any operating peripherals. Patient Monitoring allows you to
    take close-up views monitor relevant vital signs or other monitor displays. You can also integrate the monitoring of
    waiting areas, bed ward or other areas where you cannot be personally present for your patients.
    The individual features of the Safety Suite can be combined individually to provide the best possible support for
    your everyday workflow. The display and operation is touch-controlled via the multifunctional Terminals. The
    features are available for all common LINAC models from the manufacturers Accuray, Elekta, Siemens and Varian.

    Download the PDF here:

    OPASCA_PS_Safety_Video and Patient Monitoring_EN


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